Anne E. McBride 2015 The Culinary Institute of America Anne E. McBride is the culinary program and editorial director for strategic initiatives at The Culinary Institute of America. Her responsibilities include leading the programming for the Worlds of Flavor® International Conference & Festival. She is the co-author of six books: three with famed pastry chef François Payard, including Payard Cookies, to be published November 2015; Les Petits Macarons: Colorful French Confections to Make at Home and a related fall 2016 cookbook; and Culinary Careers: How to Get Your Dream Job in Food. McBride is working toward a Ph.D. in food studies at New York University, where she teaches and is the director of the Experimental Cuisine Collective, a multidisciplinary working group with more than 2,500 members. She regularly writes on topics related to professional and experimental cooking, including contributions to Food Arts, Plate, Gastronomica, Savoring Gotham, the Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America, and Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia. She sits on the Association for the Study of Food and Society and The Culinary Trust boards and on the James Beard Foundation Awards Committee. McBride is also an advisory council member of the CIA’s newly launched Food Business School, was a two-term board member of the New York Women’s Culinary Alliance and is a judge for the James Beard Cookbook Awards. A native of Switzerland, she received a degree in journalism from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.